Infrastructure and Streetscape Upgrades Moved to 2026

Let’s Renew the Avenue.

In 2026, the Oak Park Avenue Streetscape will replace and repair necessary infrastructure and upgrade the streetscape. This investment will strengthen and support area businesses and the surrounding neighborhood while preserving the historical context and value of this vital Hemingway District. The project is expected to be completed by the 2026 holiday season.


Renew the Avenue will replace 100-plus year old infrastructure with new, state-of-the-art pipes needed to deliver water to residents and businesses alike. On top, the new streetscape will bring new life and energy to the Hemingway District, making Oak Park Avenue a destination for the community and visitors from all over.


Business Spotlight

News & Events

Construction Moved to 2026

The Renew the Avenue project has been delayed. Construction is intended to take place beginning in March 2026.

Oak Park Avenue Streetscape: Hemingway Business District Meeting

A meeting with business owners was held at Public Works on October 22, 2024.

See the Presentation

Dandelion Bookshop to open on Oak Park Avenue

Locals mourning the loss of The Book Table on Lake Street can get excited about a new place to find a favorite book; Oak Park residents Jamie and Kurt Ericson are opening the Dandelion Bookshop at 139 S. Oak Park Ave.

See the Wednesday Journal Article

Village Board Approves Two Art Installations for Oak Park Avenue

The Village board has approved contracts with two artists for art installations on Oak Park Avenue. The works, by Ray King Studio, Ltd. and Graham Carraway, will be installed as part of the streetscape improvements in the Hemingway District.

Read the Article

Presentation from the Public Open House

On Tuesday, June 25, the project team presented the latest streetscape design and fielded questions.

See the Presentation